*****5 Stormy Stars*****

Max Henry writes these stories that get me every time so much emotions so much goes in her writing I love it; she makes me feel everything the characters do in her books she not afraid to write about tough issues. This book is about two people living everyday as shell of people they use to be; but when they find each other they become one and learn how to live life again and come out of their shell. Cammie story broke my heart because I don’t know I could do it; Duke is a very strong man but he thought going to the army would help him with some of the anger he has inside of him but what came home wasn’t him anymore.  Cam copes with the everyday is keep moving don’t stop but keeps doing thing to torture herself to make her never forget. So when she decides to help the man stuck on the side of the rode from her home little did she know her life would change completely. Duke still trying to figure out to tell the difference between people trying to kill him and just being nice to him. So when Cam offers help he doesn’t really know how to feel and it’s a very dark out and his light from his phone is soon to give out and in the dark is where everything comes out to torture him and remind of all the ugly that he has seen and did in the world. One week is all it takes to change their lives forever! This is such a emotionally and beautiful read; you MUST read this book!

*****ARC from Give Me Book Promotions  for review*****


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