Review: Halo

Halo Halo by R.C. Stephens
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***4.5 Halo Stars****
Just WOW this is my first time reading R.C. Stephens and I was given a wonderful experience from start to end. I will try not to give too much away because too much details will give it all away. Halo meets the love of her life at 15;Thomas at 17 meets Halo the love of his life and he knew from that moment that she was his future and nothing was going to change that him becoming a Navy Seal was now for her to prove that he was worthy of her. Thomas home life was much different than Halo’s she comes from loving home with 2 parents whereas Thomas comes from the wrong side of the tracks and a abusive alcoholic father and a mother who ran off. Tragedy happens to Halo and Thomas becomes her light and put his needs on hold but when the becomes right he enlisted to become a Navy Seal. After Thomas 2 tour he comes home but he not who he once was and when Halo drops news of being pregnant she thought it would encourage Thomas to try to come out his funk it all backfires. Thomas PTSD is too much for him that he can’t come to terms with his life outside of war and reenlists to go back and walks out on Halo without even saying goodbye and then drops a bomb on her. After giving birth to her son who come weeks early Halo meets Ryder at her worst; Ryder is a wounded veteran (ex-Seal) home getting the medical attention he needs. Ryder and Halo develop a friendship quickly and for some reason that Halo can’t explained she feels safe with Ryder. Ryder has no idea what’s going on but he knows Halo is his savior but Ryder in turn has become Halo savior in turn. Where’s Thomas is all Halo keeps thinking will he ever return? Will Ryder fill that void and become that man for Halo or will it all come crashing down? This story has so many emotions such a heartfelt story between Halo, Thomas, Ryder you should definitely read this book.
****Copy supplies by New Adult Book Club for review****

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