Review: Gods & Monsters

Gods & Monsters Gods & Monsters by Saffron A. Kent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

*****4.5 Stars*****

Where do I even being with this book. This book is so heartfelt, beautiful and two lovers that are not in the same social circle of the town. Abel living in his parents sins and Evie trying to make her parents happy. Both are very lonely and find what they need in one and other but no one can know about them. We get to read about them since the being all the way to the end every emotion, every fight, every lie,every beautiful moment, every ugly moment. This two want to defy everyone and be happy; but it isn’t an easy ride for them but when they do the can conquer anything thrown at them.

*****ARC from Give Me Books Promotions for review*****

Gods & Monsters by Saffron A. Kent
Gods & Monsters

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